The S&W Model 351PD revolver chambered for 7 rounds of 22 Magnum is one of the lightest compact revolvers on the market and would be an excellent choice for concealed carry. The very light recoil of the 22 Magnum makes it a very popular choice for ladies. So good in fact that my Wife just had to have one. This alloy J-Frame revolver is finished in matte black and sports ergonomic wood grips. It has a 1-1/8″ barrel with Hi-Viz red fiber optic front sight, weighs 11.2 ounces empty and an overall length of 6.2″ Shipping and insurance to your FFL Dealer will be $25.00. We accept bank cashiers’ checks or USPS Money Orders. Credit Cards (No AMEX) adds 3% for credit and 1% for debit for the cash discount that cannot be earned when purchasing with a card. If you have any questions please click on Contact Us to send an email or call 208-843-2419. 168228
Smith & Wesson 351PD 22 Magnum 168228
