New on the market is the Banish 30 Titanium Suppressor that is rated for use on any firearm chambered in 17HMR to 300 Weatherby Magnum. In its long configuration it is 9 inches long and weighs 14.3 ounces. Due to its modular design it can be shortened to 7 inches with a weight of 11.2 ounces. The Banish 30 is completely user-serviceable for cleaning the internal components of the silencer and the baffles are indexed for easy and correct installation and alignment. The suppressor is threaded 5/8X24 for mounting on your host firearm.
Approval times for Form-4’s has improved significantly with approvals ranging from 2 to 20 days instead of weeks and months. Our new Cerebus system which integrates our in-shop electronic fingerprints and digital photographs with the E-Form 4 has streamlined the application process even more. Stop in and take a look at the wide array of silencers that we have in stock including the new models constructed of light weight titanium. For out-of state customers we can transfer any silencer to your local FFL/SOT on an E-Form 3. Shipping and insurance on this silencer will be $35.00. If you have any questions or need additional information please give us a call at 208-843-2419 or click on Contact Us and send a message.